FYDC Student Assistants
FYDC accepts 2-3 Student Assistants to serve in a position of leadership each season. While it is not required, it is preferred that SAs have experience and training within the Turning Pointe Dance TAI Program, and are part of the current season’s cast. Applicants must be 14 years or older by the start of the applicable season.
Student Assistant Selection Procedures
Students interested in applying for a Student Assistant position for the applicable season should indicate as much on their audition form and provide a reliable email address for further information in the space provided. Once students have been placed in the company and cast in the production, they will have one week to accept their roles. If a student has accepted their roles and indicated an interest in applying for a Student Assistant position, they will receive a follow-up email from the Director, FYDC, with more information and a link to complete the Student Assistant application. Students will have one week to complete, pray over, and submit their application to be considered.

Casting Announced
June 29, 2025
Acceptance Deadline
July 6, 2025
Applications Sent
July 7, 2025
Application Deadline
July 13, 2025